“Certain selected children (at least the ones who survived the ‘training’) would become future mind controlled slaves who could be used for thousands of different jobs ranging anywhere from sexual slavery to assassinations. A substantial portion of these children, who were considered expendable, were intentionally slaughtered in front of (and by) the other children in order to traumatize the selected trainee into total compliance and submission.

“The lone gunman that we hear about in assassinations, assassination attempts, school shootings, etc. are mind controlled individuals who had been ‘programmed’ to carry out those missions. Ted Bundy, the ‘Son of Sam’ serial killer David Berkowitz, Oswald, Timothy McVeigh, the Columbine shooters, Chapman, Sirhan Sirhan, etc. were mind controlled individuals who were programmed to perform these killings. Tens of thousands of young teenage boys were kidnapped and forced into the mind control training program called The Montauk Project starting around 1976.

“Al Bielek, under mind control, was involved in many areas of the secret Montauk Project. After slowly recovering his memories beginning in the late 1980’s, he came to realize that there were at least 250,000 mind controlled ‘Montauk Boys’ produced at 25 different facilities similar to the underground base at Montauk, Long Island.

“Many of these boys were to become ‘sleepers’ who are individuals who were programmed to go into action at a later date when properly ‘triggered’ to engage in some sort of destructive or disruptive conduct. Other Montauk Boys were woven into the fabric of mainstream American life as journalists, radio & TV personalities, businessmen, lawyers, medical professionals, judges, prosecutors, law enforcement, military men, etc.” Read more from Ken Adachi

“FOUR HORSEMEN is an award winning independent feature documentary which lifts the lid on how the world really works. As we will never return to ‘business as usual’ 23 international thinkers, government advisors and Wall Street money-men break their silence and explain how to establish a moral and just society.

“FOUR HORSEMEN is free from mainstream media propaganda — the film doesn’t bash bankers, criticise politicians or get involved in conspiracy theories. It ignites the debate about how to usher a new economic paradigm into the world which would dramatically improve the quality of life for billions.”


“Larken Rose, a self-described ‘tax heretic’ and enemy of the state, is the author of three books, one video, and countless articles, among other things. He is unapologetically and unconditionally committed to ending the ‘federal income tax’ deception, and more importantly, the more fundamental fraud underlying the entire notion of ‘government’ and ‘authority.’ ” Read more about Larken Rose and other activists at Conspiracy Headquarters,here.


“I watch the ripples change their size But never leave the stream Of warm impermanence and So the days float through my eyes But still the days seem the same; And these children that you spit on As they try to change their worlds Are immune to your consultations They’re quite aware of what they’re going through….” Changes, David Bowie.

“Little children learn morality from their parents: things are good or bad because Mommy and Daddy SAID so. A little later, they may be taught that things are good or bad because God SAID so, in some Holy Book. And still later, when they are taught ‘civics’ in government schools, they will be taught that things are good or bad because ‘It’s the law.’ (And it’s GOOD to obey the law, BAD to break it.) But ‘the law’ is just whatever politicians SAY it is.

“A person becomes an adult when he outgrows the need to be given moral commandments from people he thinks of as ‘authorities,’ and learns to judge for himself what is right or wrong. This is a book to read to discover just how adult YOU really are. The book as a whole is a litmus test that will show whether the reader is an adult with independent judgment, or still a child, believing every fantasy and superstition that the ‘authorities’ in his life have told him to believe.
“You may or may not agree with Rose’s conclusions, but you should be prepared to have many of your own cherished beliefs challenged and examined. This is a book to stretch your mind, and that may be uncomfortable, if your mind is out-of-shape. But like any good workout, the results are very rewarding.
“The ‘most dangerous superstition’ referred to in the title is the idea of ‘authority,”‘which includes all belief in ‘government.’ No, I’m not providing ‘spoilers;’ this is something Rose lays out on Page 2 of the book. He doesn’t deny that all the legislators, police, bureaucrats and soldiers exist — they clearly do.
But the thing that makes ‘government’ something more than a gang of thugs is the respect — even reverence — in which it is held by the people it rules.
‘Government’ is commonly believed to have a RIGHT to rule us, and we commonly believe ourselves to have a DUTY to obey their commands (which are called ‘laws.’) Rose unleashes a ferocious array of arguments proving that neither that RIGHT nor that DUTY can logically — or morally — exist. If that sounds silly to you, YOU need to read the book.
“This is a remarkable book, remarkable for its honesty, its logic, its passion and the profound importance of its conclusions. There is also much to admire in Rose’s clear, concise prose. He discusses important ideas without becoming overly-philosophical or boring. It is also a very important book, important the way Atlas Shrugged — or Tom Paine’s Common Sense — are important. The most dangerous superstition IS dangerous because it enslaves our minds, which leads to the enslavement of our whole lives. This is a book to set us free.” Read more about Larken Rose’s book, The Most Dangerous Superstition, here.

“Freeman is an internationally-known award-winning TV producer, film maker, radio talk show host and lecturer. Freeman is considered an expert in the fields of the occult, trauma-based mind control, government conspiracy, and ancient civilizations.”

“Freeman graduated with an Associates of Arts with honors in Interdisciplinary Studies and attended Kansas University, specializing in ancient and environmental architecture. Freeman has lectured extensively on Templar history, secret signs and symbolism of Freemasonry, the ancient astronaut hypothesis, trauma-based mind control, and government cover-ups.” Read more about Freeman Fly at Magic Media.

Check out this video about the dark side of Disney, from Freeman Fly:


“Most of us tend to think of geometry as a relatively dry, if not altogether boring, subject remembered from our Middle school years, consisting of endless axioms, definitions, postulates and proofs, hearkening back, in fact, to the methodology of Euclids Elements, in form and structure a masterly exposition of logical thinking and mental training but not the most thrilling read one might undertake in their leisure time.
“While the modern, academic approach to the study of geometry sees it as the very embodiment of rationalism and left brain, intellectual processes, which indeed it is, it has neglected the right brain, intuitive, artistic dimension of the subject. Sacred geometry seeks to unite and synthesize these two dynamic and complementary aspects of geometry into an integrated whole.
Robert Lawlor addresses this fundamentally dualistic nature of geometry in his essential work: Sacred Geometry – Philosophy and Practice (1982), in reference to a medieval representation of geometry as a woman seated at a table, with compasses in hand, surrounded by the implements of the art:
“Geometry as a contemplative practice is personified by an elegant and refined woman, for geometry functions as an intuitive, synthesizing, creative yet exact activity of mind associated with the feminine principle. But when these geometric laws come to be applied in the technology of daily life they are represented by the rational, masculine principle: contemplative geometry is transformed into practical geometry.”
“Lawlor here expresses a crucial idea in the definition of Sacred Geometry—it has both a contemplative side and a practical side, and an intuitive and intellectual side, it is an activity both right brained and left brained.
“Further differentiating Sacred Geometry from the ordinary geometry of our school days is its’ relation to number and symbol. This difference, I think, is succinctly expressed by Miranda Lundy in her superb little book entitled simply Sacred Geometry (2001)

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“Sacred Geometry charts the unfolding of number in space. It differs from mundane geometry purely in the sense that the moves and concepts involved are regarded as having symbolic value, and thus, like good music, facilitate the evolution of the soul.”
“Sacred Geometry, then, charts the unfolding of number in space and has symbolic value and thereby has conferred upon it a qualitative status absent from common geometry. And here I must add that magnifying the inherent power of Sacred Geometry is the fact that it also charts the unfolding of number in time. This is an idea of such compelling ramifications that I must return to it in detail in another article.
“At the very earliest appearance of human civilization we observe the presence and importance of geometry. It is clearly evident that geometry was comprehended and utilized by the ancient Master Builders, who, laboring at the dawn of civilization some four and one half millennia ago, bestowed upon the world such masterworks as the megalithic structures of ancient Europe, the Pyramids and temples of Pharaonic Egypt and the stepped Ziggurats of Sumeria.
“That geometry continued to be employed throughout the centuries from those earliest times until times historically recent is also clearly evident. That it was made use of by cultures far-flung about the globe is evident as well, finding expression in China, Central and South America, in pre-Columbian North America amongst Native Americans, in Africa, SE Asia and Indonesia, Rome and of course in classical Greece and in Europe, from the Megalithic era some 4000 years ago, as stated, and again some 3000 years later, magnificently expressed during the Gothic era of cathedral building.” Read more.


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